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Planning Board Minutes 04/04/2013
April 4, 2013
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:             Diane Chauncey (Secretary)         Chris Condon (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)             Steve MacDonald (Member)        Janet McEwen (Alternate)        Martha Pinello (Member)         Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)      
Members Absent:
Sarah VanderWende (Member)      Charles Levesque (Member)               
Public Attendees:
Ron Haggett (ZBA Member)

7:00 PM Public Meeting:

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7 and appointed Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Ms. VanderWende.

Approve minutes of March 21, 2012
Ms. McEwen moved to adopt the minutes; seconded by Ms. Pinello. After a short discussion, the minutes were approved, as amended.

Review Board Goals for 2013
Chair Lazar stated that the 2013 goals had been discussed at the previous meeting but he wanted clarification with regards to the Master Plan.

Ms. Pinello had a plan for the Master Plan - which she is willing to take on. She stated that so much work has been completed on the Earth Excavation Regulations that Chapter 6 (Earth Excavation Sites) of the current Master Plan would be a good place to start. She said that she would first, make basic corrections and obvious changes and second, highlight areas that need improvement. She reminded the Board that the Master Plan is the vision of the town and the Zoning Ordinance is the law.

 By consensus, the Board agreed that Ms. Pinello had a good plan and looked forward to her suggestions.
Review Home Occupation and Home Based Business as currently described in the Zoning Ordinance
After a short discussion of the two definitions, Ms. Pinello moved to consult  with Consultant Planner, Carol Ogilvie. Mr. MacDonald seconded.

The discussion continued. It seemed to be the consensus of the Board that home occupation should be removed, but since the definition had been in the Zoning Ordinance since 1988, they also wondered if home occupation should remain.
Mr. Webber thought that if the Board believed home occupation should be removed, the Board should make that decision within the Board and that there was no need to consult Ms. Ogilvie.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Condon, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Ms. McEwen, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Webber, no.

The motion passed. Chair Lazar will address the issue with Ms. Ogilvie.

Update on the April 2, 2013 ZBA case #2013-01ZBA two variances for 3 High Street
Chair Lazar gave a historical background of the Planning Board Major Site Plan Review of February 21 and March 7, 2013 which had been granted as a conditional approval. Two of the conditions directed the applicant to the ZBA for a variance concerning Shoreland Protection and a variance concerning the non- conforming lot and setbacks.

Mr. Haggett stated that the ZBA had met on April 2. The applicant, through her attorney Jed Callen, had presented the reasons why the variances should be granted. The Public Hearing followed the presentation. There were three opposing abutters – Mr. Neff and Ms. Cohen were present, Mr. Belliveau had sent an email. After the Public Hearing was closed, the ZBA determined that the case should be continued to a date certain of April 23, 2013.

Website – Additions, deletions, corrections??
There was a short discussion about keeping the website updated.

Revised ZO hard copies to replace Articles IV, V, VI, VII, IX, XIV-B page 5
The Board members were given hard copies to update their Zoning Ordinances.

July 4th – have a meeting or reschedule??
The Board decided not to hold the July 4th meeting.

Workshops and Trainings:
19th Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – May 11, 2013 – Agenda handout – Does anyone wish to register?
Board members will decide by the April 18 meeting.

Other business:
April 18 – Community Supper – Town Boards – Who can help? Some members said they would help.

At 8:15 pm, Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn; Mr. MacDonald seconded. The Board voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board